Check out this FREE nutrition seminar series! From calories to carbs, fasting to fad diets, Ozempic to optimal health, we discuss it all! Includes meal plans, book giveaways, and guest appearances! Every seminar will be posted to YouTube, all completely free! Starts May 28!
Tuesdays at noon!
May 28-Sept 3, 2024
Bowery Park, Daybreak
10639 Cave Run Lane
South Jordan, UT 84009
Check this page weekly to find each seminar on YouTube, and all the resources, meal plans, workout guides, and more, all for free!
Week One- Our Current Nutrition Predicament- How Bad Is It?
It can't be that bad... Can it?
It's pretty bad. Wanna see how bad it is? Try this quiz to get started!
Here is this week's lesson-
Eat less, move more, count calories, right?
We've all been told to move more and eat less. So why hasn't it worked in the long term for ALL of us? How should we think about calories?
Here is this week's lesson-
Week Two- The Calorie Conundrum- What Really Happens When You Eat Less and Move More!
Week Two- The Calorie Conundrum- What Actually Happens When You Eat Less and Move More!
Week Three- A Masterclass on Macronutrients- What Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat Do In Your Body!
Counting Macros? So... What Are They?
Many of us have heard of "macros", but few of us know what they are, and how we use them!
Here is this week's lesson-
Saturated Fat Clogs Our Arteries... Right?
It's an enticing idea... Like warm grease in a cold pipe. But is that actually what happens?
Here is this week's lesson-
Week Four- A Big Fat Surprise- Why We Think that Saturated Fat is Bad for Us, Part One!
Week Four- A Big Fat Surprise- Why We Think that Saturated Fat is Bad for Us, Part One!
Week Five- A Big Fat Surprise- Why We Think that Saturated Fat is Bad for Us, Part Two!
Saturated Fat Clogs Our Arteries... Right?
It's an enticing idea... Like warm grease in a cold pipe. But is that actually what happens?
Here is this week's lesson-
Week Five- A Big Fat Surprise- Why We Think that Saturated Fat is Bad for Us, Part Two!
Does Cholesterol Actually Cause Heart Attacks?
Most people already know that cholesterol is the cause of heart attacks. But is there more to this story?
Here is this week's lesson-
Lesson 6- The Cholesterol Conundrum- Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Attacks?
Week Six- A Cholesterol Conundrum- Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Attacks?
Week 7- Insulin and Insulin Resistance! How to Trap Your Fat Stores!
Calories or hormones- Which one causes weight gain (or is it both)?
Most people have heard of insulin and assume that it is only relevant for diabetes. But are you becoming resistant to this important hormone?
Here is this week's lesson-
Lesson 7- Insulin and Insulin Resistance! How to Trap Your Fat Stores!
What You Should NOT Eat- Three of the Worst Foods that you Should Avoid!
Just because you can eat it, it doesn't mean that it's "food", and it certainly doesn't mean that it's healthy. Why you should avoid sugar, refined grains, and vegetable (seed) oils!
Here is this week's lesson-
"What NOT to Eat- Three of the Worst “Foods” to Avoid (Sugar, Refined Grains, and Vegetable Oil)!
Week 8- "What NOT to Eat- Three of the Worst “Foods” to Avoid (Sugar, Refined Grains, and Vegetable Oil)!
Week 9- The Players in the Nutrition Space!
The Players in the Nutrition Space- Just exactly who makes our food guidelines?
The US Governments, the AHA and ADA, The Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Blue Zones, Harvard, Tufts..... What? Why are there so many voices in the nutrition dialogue?
Here is this week's lesson-
Unsettled Science Substack by Nina Teicholz
The Art of Burning FAT- If We Have So Much Of It, Why Can't We Get Rid of It?
Why do we spend our entire lives burning glucose, when we could be burning off our stored fat? What is the difference between "glucosis" and "ketosis"?
Here is this week's lesson-
"The Art of Burning FAT! (...And Isn't That What You Want?)"
Week 10- The art of Burning FAT! (And Isn't That What You Want?)
Week 11- The Most Delicious Poison- Detoxifying Plants!
The Most Delicious Poison- Detoxifying Plants!
Humans are OMNIVORES. But plants fight back to defend themselves. How can we safely consume plants to make them nutritious and nutrient-dense?
Here is this week's lesson-
Diet and Mental Health- Fueling The Brain!
Mental health issues are impacting more and more people all around the world. Could our diets have something to do with that?
Here is this week's lesson-
Week 12- Diet and Mental Health- Fueling the Brain!
Week 13- "Moderation In Everything- Are You a Moderator or Abstainer?"
"Moderation In Everything- Are You a Moderator or Abstainer?"
We're told that we should have "moderation in all things". But is that true for some of us who need to abstain? Is sugar and food addiction a real thing?
Here is this week's lesson-
"Moderation In Everything- Are You a Moderator or an Abstainer?"
THE FINAL SEMINAR! Bringing Everything Together!
We're made as strong of a case about our nutrition as we can come up with. What about everything else? This week, we tackle fasting, workouts, stress, and sleep!
Here is this week's lesson-